Universidade Lusófona

Lisboa, Portugal

Microsoft Teams

FilmEU uses Microsoft Teams as a joint communication and collaboration tool.

UL Library

Victor de Sá Library was inaugurated in 1994 honouring the name o the first General Librarian of Lusófona University. Today, the Library has a significant collection of 78000 documents on paper and access to many scientific databases, constantly updating and contemplating the various areas of knowledge, organized thematically.

UL INcoming

Lusófona university opens its doors to you for a mobility period, for studies or for traineeship with opportunities to acquire transversal competences.

UL Moodle

Moodle is a digital platform for blended learning, projects and workspaces.

LU Website

Lusófona University mission is to contribute by its teaching and research activities to the scientific, cultural, economic and social development of Portugal and of all the countries where Portuguese is spoken. The Film and Media Arts Department is committed to providing hands-on specialised skill training, to foster individual and collaborative creative growth, and to serve as a testing ground for the application of emerging film and media technologies. Our department promotes both initial, continuous and advance training in the different areas of film and media creation and development, besides actively being engaged in several research projects with partners and organisations at a national and international level.

UL Email Login

Lusófona University Email

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